Seas The Day With These Apps On Your Phone For A Hassle-free Getaway

a person holding up a smartphone

Can you imagine travelling without your phone? Oh, the horrors! Thanks to this great mankind invention, we no longer walk around in circles holding a map, nor traversing about all day with heavy cameras dangling from our necks. Heck, we could even make an entire trip happen on our smartphone. As the travel industry slowly roars back to life after a two-year lull, we are sure many of you are already making plans for that much-needed getaway. With that in mind, we have put together our recommended list of apps for travel that you should have on your phone before you get on the plane.  

Download These Essential Apps For Travel To Improve Your Travel Experiences

From a cheap flight ticket tracker to a photo enhancer, these apps for travel will solve all your travel headaches!


Hopper apps for travel
Credit: Hopper

We are constantly on the lookout for cheap flight tickets and hotel stays, so what if there’s an app that does all the hard work in finding those deals for you? Sounds too good to be true, but Hopper is that dream app! 

It predicts prices for flights and hotels with 95% accuracy up to one year in advance. The app will also let you know when is the best time to book that flight or advise you to wait just a little longer. To date, it has helped over 30 million travellers save up to 40%, and the next could be you.

Download HopperiOS l Android

TripIt: Travel Planner

TripIt: Travel Planner apps for travel
Credit: TripIt

Every trip planner could use some help in sorting out their itinerary as it can be quite overwhelming with the many to-dos. That help can come in the form of apps, and TripIt is one of the best at what it does.

From handling your multiple trip bookings to giving you helpful reminders (so you don’t miss that flight!), the app allows you to travel in peace. It helps compile all your travel plans into one master itinerary and even syncs to your calendar. You will be able to access all the information even when you are offline.

Download TripIt: Travel PlanneriOS l Android

PackPoint Travel Packing List

PackPoint Travel Packing List apps for travel
Credit: PackPoint Travel Packing List via Apple App Store

Packing is arguably the most unenviable aspect of travelling. You could spend hours agonising over what to bring and what not to include, not to mention having creeping anxiety on leaving out some important items.

Fret not, as there are apps that help reduce the stress of packing! PackPoint takes the guesswork out of your packing by letting you know what exactly you need to bring based on the length of travel, weather at your destination, and any activities planned during your trip. It is as simple as keying in your destination together with your planned activities and the app will instantly generate a packing list with only the essential items to put in your luggage.

Download PackPoint Travel Packing ListiOS l Android

Google Translate

Google Translate apps for travel
Credit: Google Translate via Apple App Store

Conversing with the locals and making sense of menus, road signs, and whatnot in unfamiliar languages are major challenges for any traveller. You can make life easy for yourself with a translator app, or even take advantage of one of Google’s offerings.

With features such as conversations translation, instant camera translation, real-time transcribing, and offline translation, Google Translate has all the features you need for a smooth navigation—minus the stress. The app currently has over 100 languages up for translation.

Download Google TranslateiOS l Android 


Klook apps for travel
Credit: Klook via Apple App Store

If you’re not one to plan ahead of time the itinerary of your trip, or barely even had time to do it, consider turning to Klook for help. 

With Klook, you can instantly discover attractions and things to do near you without a sweat. Best of all, you can make bookings or purchase admission tickets right on the spot with the app. Unsure if an attraction is worth the price of admission? Reviews left by other holidaymakers can help you make an informed decision. Plus, there is so much more to Klook, which makes it one of the best apps for travel to have.

Download KlookiOS l Android


Citymapper apps for travel
Credit: Citymapper via Apple App Store

There are tons of apps to help you navigate around major cities. We recommend Citymapper as it offers turn-by-turn directions not just for all manners of public transport but also for walking, cycling, and even scooter trips.

You can plan how to move about efficiently by combining the various transport modes for the best routes. This helps if you’re lugging around heavy luggages or need to save on the expenses. Not just that, the app also shows the wait time and ETA live, so you are always informed and be on top of things. 

However, do note that not all cities are featured in the app, so check whether you can use it in your destination before downloading it.

Download CitymapperiOS l Android


Credi: TouchRetouch via Apple App Store

Of course, we can’t forget the gazillion travel photos you’ll be snapping! There is no shortage of picture editing apps, but we would like to highlight TouchRetouch as it solves one of the biggest travel photo annoyances—unwanted subjects photobombing.

Instead of cursing your bad timing, you can easily remove the offending elements from your photos with the app’s wizardry. Judging by the number of positive reviews left by users, it works flawlessly! 

Download TouchRetouchiOS l Android

Let These Apps For Travel Do All The Heavy Lifting For You

a person holding up a smartphone
Credit: Oleg Magni via Pexels

Travelling, while fun, is a heck ton of work. A lot of effort goes into planning and execution. And then there’s Murphy’s Law Of Travel. Lift some of that weight off your shoulders with these helpful apps for travel so you can soak in the culture and scenery of your holiday destination with peace of mind!

Have any other apps for travel recommendations? Share them below!

Related: What’s The Best Way To Stay Connected While You’re Travelling Abroad? A Portable WiFi Modem Is Your Answer

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