Balanced Meal Ideas To Provide An Ideal Breakfast For Your Kids

ideal breakfast for kids

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day that no one should skip, especially your kids. It not only fills them up with energy to get through the first half of the day but also gives them the ability to focus better in their classes. As a result, their academic performance and behaviour will improve as well. Some kids may choose not to eat breakfast, because they’re always waking up late, or because they want to lose weight. 

However, their body needs that refuel after a long eight to 12 hours of sleep and going without food. Furthermore, kids who skip breakfast are more likely to consume more calories, because of how hungry they get before lunchtime arrives, causing them to overeat their portions. That’s why it’s ideal for kids to have a healthy breakfast meal to start the day right. 

Simple Breakfast Ideas That Are Ideal For Kids

Protein Pancakes

Pancakes are one of the most comforting breakfast foods thanks to their fluffy texture and mild buttery sweetness. The bad news is that regular pancakes are not exactly the healthiest due to their high sugar content. They also won’t be very filling since they’re mostly made up of empty calories. Let’s not forget that awful sugar-crash that’ll hit them hard by mid-morning, leaving them lethargic with little energy during class. 

Here’s where protein pancakes come in handy as the ideal pancake breakfast alternative for your kids. It eliminates flour as your main ingredient and replaces it with protein-rich ingredients instead. This will also encourage your kids to eat more protein without them throwing a fuss. For this recipe, you just need two eggs, one banana, and one tablespoon of almond butter for the batter. Cook it over a frying pan with coconut oil. Then top it off with an assortment of berries or fruits of your kids’ choice and maple syrup

Overnight Oats

Oatmeal is a flexible breakfast option that you can easily adapt and make in many different ways. From your classic oatmeal to baked oatmeal granola bars or overnight oats, there are plenty of choices to choose from. However, if you’re always pressed for time in the mornings, overnight oats are an ideal, quick, and easy breakfast for kids. 

This recipe allows you to prepare your child’s meal the day before, so you won’t have to worry about it the next morning. What’s even better is that you don’t need to do any cooking! Mix about a quarter to half a cup of rolled oats together with half a cup of milk (can be any type) in a mason jar. Throw in some chia seeds, nuts, shredded coconut and dried or fresh fruit to finish off. Plop it into the fridge and let it sit overnight. 

Baked Oatmeal Granola Bar

As mentioned above, another way you can transform your rolled oats is by baking it into a granola bar instead. It’s a great method to diversify your child’s breakfast menu by maximising what you already have in your kitchen pantry. Plus, your kid can easily take these granola bars to eat on-the-go for whenever they’re running late to class. This is another ideal breakfast for kids that you can prepare the night before.

Pour in the rolled oats, almonds, peanuts, dried cranberries, desiccated coconut, and salt into one big glass bowl. In a separate small bowl combine all your wet ingredients: honey (or agave syrup), coconut oil, and vanilla extract. Add them into the dry ingredients. Give them a good stir and then spread them evenly on the baking pan. Bake them in the oven for about 30 minutes (or until they become golden brown) at 170C. Once done, remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting it up into rectangles. 

Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches

Sandwiches are an excellent way to create a balanced diet for your kids. Depending on what type of fillings you put, your child can enjoy a good mix of protein, carbs, and vegetables in one delicious meal. They’re an ideal breakfast for kids who are picky eaters and they don’t take up too much time to prepare either. Where possible, try to opt for whole-grain bread for your children’s sandwiches. They offer a healthy amount of fats and fibre, as opposed to white bread which consists of empty calories. 

For a refreshing and light sandwich to begin their morning, give this English cucumber sandwich recipe a try. Have two slices of bread ready, spreading butter on one slice while applying cheese spread to the other. Thinly chop up one cucumber and then layer them over the buttered bread slice. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper before taking the cheese-spread slice to cover the sandwich. Remove the crusts (optional) and cut the sandwich diagonally. 

Bell Pepper Eggs

These bell pepper eggs are another ideal breakfast option for your kids, especially if you’re trying to get them to eat more vegetables. They’re really easy to make and require minimal ingredients too. All you need are salt, pepper, chilli flakes, three eggs, three bell peppers, and freshly chopped parsley. Cut off the ends of the bell peppers, slice them into hollow rings, about a quarter of an inch thick, and then remove the seeds.

Set your stove to medium heat, drizzle some cooking oil onto the frying pan and then fry your bell peppers for a couple of minutes on each side. After that, crack your eggs into your bell pepper rings, and sprinkle in your seasonings. Cover the pan with its lid and let it cook for around 15 minutes. This colourful breakfast dish is sure to attract your child’s attention and get them interested in trying new types of food even when they may not be partial to either eggs or bell peppers. Combine with some toasted bread or boiled sweet potato for a balanced meal. 

Enjoy Making These Healthy And Ideal Breakfast Meals For Your Kids

pancakes, ideal breakfast for kids
Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels

Ensuring that your child gets the proper nutrients that they need from their breakfast is crucial in helping them stay healthy and strong. It also establishes a solid foundation for healthy eating habits that will follow them throughout life as they get older. We hope this list has inspired you to prepare your next ideal breakfast for your kids to enjoy. Looking for more food recipes for the family? Then don’t forget to check out our other article on simple roast chicken recipes too. 


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