April 4, 2024March 24, 2025Home & Living, LifestyleBy Andre Chan These 13 Standing Fans Are Bestsellers In Malaysia For A Reason The reality of living in Malaysia is that we’re constantly battling the heat. Save for the time we’re in an […]
April 2, 2024GempakBy Andre Chan Kos Penghawa Dingin Tinggi? Pilih Air Cooler Untuk Penyejukan Efektif Tanpa Perbelanjaan Besar Tiap-tiap tahun, rakyat Malaysia kena menghadapi cuaca panas terik pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Tetapi, awal pertengahan tahun 2024 melihatkan cuaca yang […]
March 15, 2024March 27, 2024Home & Living, LifestyleBy Andre Chan Survive The Heatwave Without Blowing Your Wallet With These Best Air Coolers In Malaysia Malaysians have been perspiring and suffering in the current heatwave for the past few weeks, and if you think the […]
July 4, 2023July 3, 2023Food & Drinks, LifestyleBy Andre Chan The Best Body Cooling Food And Drinks To Consume If You’re Feeling The Heat Bad news for those praying for cooler weather to prevail soon—the current heatwave is expected to continue until September or […]