5 Home Remedies To Help Prevent And Reduce Hair Fall

hair fall in comb

Noticing that your hair is falling slightly more than usual? Everyone has experienced some hair loss problems at one time or another. It’s an increasingly common hair issue present in both men and women, with various factors that can trigger it. Whether you’re experiencing these hair problems yourself or want to take some precautionary measures, here are some natural home remedies for hair fall that you can try out.

Natural Home Remedies For Hair Fall Prevention

Aloe Vera 

aloe vera, natural home remedies for hair fall
Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

With its numerous medicinal benefits to treat many different ailments, skin and hair issues included, the aloe vera plant certainly lives up to its label as a miracle plant. It contains vitamin B12 and folic acids, which prevent you from losing hair. Besides that, aloe vera is also packed with vitamins A, C, and E, promoting better cell turnover and healthier cell growth. Overall, this will lead to shinier and silkier hair, making it one of the best natural home remedies for hair fall. 

Furthermore, the proteolytic enzymes repair the scalp’s dead skin cells, which in turn, can boost hair growth. To use aloe vera for your hair, take out the pulp from the stalk or the leaf, and massage the gel-like substance into your hair in circular motions. Then, wash it off after 15 minutes in cold water. Repeat this process three times a week after your hair wash. 

Green Tea

green tea, natural home remedies for hair fall
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

One other good suggestion if you’re looking for home remedies to treat your hair fall is green tea. It’s rich in catechins, which are great antioxidants that will help decrease excessive levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT): a major cause of most hair thinning problems. More specifically, one catechin, known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is responsible for stimulating and improving hair growth. 

Green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that will help in treating dandruff and dry, itchy scalps. While the two may not immediately lead to hair loss, but frequent scratching can potentially damage the hair follicles, causing your hair to fall. Using green tea can eliminate these inflammation issues, leaving you with healthier hair. 

To use this remedy for your hair, prepare two or three green tea bags and soak them in hot water. When the water has become cool, pour the solution onto your hair and scalp to rinse, massaging gently. Apply this solution twice a week after shampooing.

Egg Mask

cracking eggs
Image by ds_30 from Pixabay

Admittedly, among most of the natural home remedies for hair fall, this one is probably the most extreme by far. However, overcoming the putrid smell will do wonders for your hair, as eggs are filled with tons of vitamins and minerals that deeply nourish the hair. 

Brittle and thin hair is generally caused by a lack of certain nutrients. The fatty acids found in eggs can supplement your hair with essential vitamins such as vitamin K and B3, and add moisture to dry scalps. 

Furthermore, eggs are also packed with minerals, such as zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and sulphur, which will further solve any nutritional deficiencies and keep hair loss at bay. Overall, using egg masks can control hair fall by strengthening the roots, protecting the hair against breakage, while also providing more thickness and volume. 

To use, crack open the egg, separate out the yolk, and pour the egg white into a bowl. Add a teaspoon of honey and olive oil, then mix till it forms a paste. Apply the mixture all over your hair from the roots to the tips, and rinse it all off with a mild shampoo after 20 minutes. 

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

amla, natural home remedies for hair fall
Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

Amla is a great natural home remedy for hair fall caused by vitamin C deficiency. Needless to say, amla is a good source of vitamin C, minerals, and amino acids. This can increase the blood circulation in the scalp, supplying sufficient nourishment and oxygen to the hair follicles. Your hair fibres will thereby be strengthened, which reduces hair fall. Plus, it’s rich in antioxidants, such as gallic acid, emblicanin, and phyllantine, that will tackle dandruff, scalp irritation, and dryness. This is good prevention against hair loss and breakage. 

For hair application, grab a fresh amla and squeeze out all the juice into a bowl. Pour the juice directly onto your scalp, and gently massage it in with your fingertips. After that, rinse it off using a mild herbal shampoo. Alternatively, if you want to make your own amla shampoo, chop up some fresh amla into thin slices and boil them in water for about 30 minutes. Then, strain the liquid once the time’s up, and wash your hair with the liquid. You can also use dried amla for this solution too by soaking the slices in water overnight and then straining the liquid in the morning. 

Fenugreek Seeds

fenugreek seeds, natural home remedies for hair fall
Image by Ajale from Pixabay

Fenugreek seeds are considered to be one of the most successful home remedies for hair fall. They contain the two crucial nutrients for hair growth, iron and protein, amongst other plant compounds, such as saponins and flavonoids. These two compounds are believed to improve hair growth thanks to their antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Mineral imbalance is another big contributing factor to hair loss issues. These seeds contain folic acid, vitamins C, K, and A, as well as essential minerals like, iron, potassium, and calcium, which is great to give you the minerals you need to have healthy hair. Furthermore, fenugreek seeds are an excellent source of lecithin, providing proper hydration to combat thin, dry, and brittle hair. Lecithin also revives the natural protective coating of hair and replenishes the hair deep in the inner shaft for luscious and supple-looking hair. 

To use, leave the fenugreek seeds to soak overnight in water. Then, grind them till they take on a paste-like texture. Apply the paste to your hair and scalp, place a shower cap over your head to keep it moist, and let it sit for around 30 minutes to 40 minutes. Once done, wash off with cold water. Repeat this process twice a week to better control hair fall. 

Protect Your Crowning Glory With These Natural Home Remedies For Hair Fall 

girl at sea with hair blowing in the wind
Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

We hope this list helped provide you with effective home remedies for hair fall. Though, don’t be too concerned if you still see your hair shedding now and then, because it’s common to lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. Besides trying these natural home remedies for hair fall, remember to further protect your hair by managing your stress healthily, going for regular trims, avoiding hot showers, combing your wet hair, and keeping away from tight hairstyles! Also, if you’re looking for the right shampoo for your curly locks, then check out our other article on top shampoos for curly hair too. 

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