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Limited -time clearance‼️小雏菊花种子Little daisy Chrysanthemum Chamomile flower seeds 花种子四季开花易活洋甘菊同品种室外庭院盆栽满种子
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1pack +-200pcs 小雏菊/ Daisy Chrysanthemum seeds 花种子 💖READY STOCK 📍Local, Malaysia 🇲🇾 *Remark your order to get English Instructions❤️ 1 SET : ~+-200pcs 小雏菊花种子 Daisy Flower seeds ~2.5L 催芽泥土(帮助种子更好发芽) Seed germintaion soil ~250g 高级生物有机黑肥(植物性有机肥料)Black Organic Fertilizer (Plant-based) ~250g 混和性有机青肥(植物性有机肥料)Green Compound Fertilizer (Plant-based) ‼️高品质高质量的催芽育苗专用土和我们家招牌无差评植物性有机肥料,不是普通的泥土和一般的化学肥料💛 High-quality germination peat moss soil for sprouting and seedling breeding,and our trademarks plant-based organic fertilizers, not ordinary planting soil and general chemical fertilizers. 1. 小雏菊白晶菊 Daisy, Chrysanthemum seeds 花种子 🌼花语寓意🌼 Daisies signifies joy and beauty, symbolize innocence and purity. 雏菊花语花语 纯洁的美·天真·幼稚, 愉快、幸福、和平、希望,还有“深藏在心底的爱”它就像一位纯洁天真的害羞少女,虽然她不是那种立刻会吸引住人们目光的女子,但是,越仔细看就越能发现她的美丽和优点。 💕马来西亚🇲🇾适合种植吗? 小雏菊喜歡有充足光照、濕潤溫暖的環境,耐半陰,比較適合生長在排水性良好、透氣疏鬆的土壤中,矮且強健,花量大,花期也比較長,若是大片種植養護,開花的時候絕對是一出絕美的風景。 小雏菊的養護土壤不能長期處於過濕狀態,容易爛根,嚴重的也會導致死亡,小雏菊的生長期期間每隔兩周施肥一次,小雏菊的花量大,花期也比較長,所以一定要給予充足的肥力。 花凋謝之後,如果不準備留種子,可以剪掉殘花,還能促進側枝長出新的花蕾,開花量會更多。 🌼如何选择花盆?How to choose a basin? -刚开始种植的时候,选择一个比巴掌稍微大一点的花盆子或者闲置的容器即可👌🏻植物稍微大了,如果长得很密集再换个大点的花盆子。 -When you first grow the little daisy, you can choose a small mud basin, pottery pot or plastic basin with a diameter of 8 centimeters. When you grow up, change to a large pot. 🌼种植温度Suitable temperature -小雏菊喜爱阳光但切勿把植物直接放在大太阳底下长时间暴晒,放在阴凉处最好是有屋檐下的地方、阳台、窗边等太阳可以照射到的地方。 -Little Daisy seedlings should not be placed straight under the hot sun, otherwise it is easy to cause diseases and pests. 🌼如何选用泥土?How to choose soil? -发芽前建议使用催芽育苗专用泥土、泥炭土,更好的保证发芽率🌱,植物长大成熟后可以混入普通的种植泥土。 -Daisy likes slightly dry land and is more likely to survive in deep and loose sandy soil with good drainage performance. 🌼如何修剪✂️How to trim? -如果植物长得过于茂盛,可以适量剪掉一些树枝和叶子,以便他们可以获得足够的养分,开花。 -Cut off some branches and leaves when daisy grows too lushly, so as not to cause the whole plant to die due to poor ventilation. 🌼浇花How to water it -保持土壤潮湿,不要让泥土长时间干渴,多次少量。 -建议一天1-3次,少量,天气炎热可以增加次数。 -Although daisy is more drought-tolerant, it should be watered enough during its germination and growth period. -When the soil surface is slightly dry, water it until it flows out of the bottom of the basin. -Water the daisy plant twice a day. It's best to water it in the morning or evening after the soil temperature drops. -Daisy is not resistant to hot and dry, so the soil that grows chamomile in summer(🇲🇾) cannot dry up. 🌼施肥 -黑肥在种子发芽期可以埋在稍微偏下的部分,用1/3-2/3的催芽泥土盖着,如果有需要加入普通种植泥土的,可以把普通的泥土放在底部,黑肥就放在普通泥土的那个地方。 -植物长了两片叶子以上后,黑肥可以直接撒在泥土表面上。 -青肥必须要在植物成熟长大后才可以放,因为青肥是催花的,过早放的话会导致植物苗死亡。 -青肥和黑肥可以一起放,黑肥2:青肥1。 💛 After the plant grows more than two leaves, black fertilizer can be sprinkled directly on the soil surface. Green manure must not be released until the plants mature and grow up, because green manure is flower-plying, and if released prematurely, it will lead to the death of plant seedlings. Green fertilizer and black fatten can be put together. 💖 Instagram: natureorganicfertilizer

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