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OMNE West Malaysia 西馬 100% Guaranteed Ready Stock IF Place An Order Will Shipping Out As Soon As Possible OMNE Nutridrink 是市面上稀有的保健营养饮品,它融合了健康和珍贵的营养成分,适合全家大小一起饮用,可清理、改善、预防、补充、调理、保护我们身体和生活所需要的一切。OMNE Nutridrink 拥有超强抗氧化、增强免疫系统与人体抵抗力、抗衰老、预防病菌传染、抗自由基、平衡三高、养胃与维持肠道健康等等的功效。 OMNE Nutridrink is a rare health nutrition drink in the market that combines healthy and precious nutrients content. It is suitable for whole family members to consume. It can help to clean up, improve, prevent, replenish and help to regulate and protect our body in daily lives. OMNE Nutridrink has strong antioxidant, enhance immune system and human body resistance, anti-aging, prevent infection of harmful bacteria diseases, anti-free radicals and balance the level of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, nourish stomach, maintain intestinal health and etc. Benefits / 功效 强化皮肤健康 Improve Healthy Skin Barrier 强化视网膜 Strengthen Retina 强化胃功能Strengthen and Protect Gaster 预防关节炎Prevent Arthritis 补充益生菌Repienish Probiotics 促进肠胃吸收Improve Digestive System 提升记忆力Improve Memory 补充钙质 Repienish Calcium Protect Teeth & Bones 降低三高Reduce Bad Cholesterol Hypertension and High Blood Sugar 强化心脏功能Protect Cardiovascular System 抗皱紧致Tighten Skin & Reduce Wrinkles 抗氧抗老Antioxidant & Anti-Aging 美白祛斑 Whitening with Reduce Pigmentations 增强免疫力 Improved Immune System 补肝养肝Protect & Improved Liver Function Preparation Instructions / 沖泡方式: Dissolve 2 scoops of Nutri Drink into 150ml-200ml of lukewarm water. Stir well and ready to be served. 将二汤匙健康饮料倒入 150毫升-200 毫升温水杯中,搅匀即可享用。 Storage / 保存方式: Store in a cool dry place / 保存在阴凉和干燥的地方。 OMNE Nutridrink 营养饮适合人群 / suitable for the crowd: 1. 亚健康的人群 / Crowd of subhealth 2. 体弱多病和便秘的小孩 / Sickly and constipated child 3. 血压 、血脂和高血糖人群 / People with high blood pressure , blood lipids and High blood sugar crowd 4. 尿酸病患者 / Uric acid patient 5. 各种眼部病变人群 / Crowd of various eye lesions 6. 便秘,腹泻,消化不良的人群和肠道炎患者 / Crowd of constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and enteritis patient 7. 化療或者放射治療的腫瘤患者 / Chemotherapy or radiation therapy tumor patient 8. 容易罹患感冒和肠道疾病的人 / People who easy sufferring with flu and intestinal disease 9. 肠道功能逐渐减弱的中老年人 / Middle and old aged person who gradually weaken for gut function 10.肝硬化以及腹腔炎患者 / Cirrhosis and Laparoinitis patients 11.新陈代谢缓慢的人群 / Crowd of slow metabolism 12.记忆力衰退的学生和白领族群 / Memory declining students and white-collars 13.偏食和挑食人群 / Picky eater 14.减肥瘦身纤体人群 / Lose weight and slimming people 15.产后妈咪,备孕,母乳妈咪 / After delivered mother,pregnancy women,breast feeding mother 16.免疫系统失调患者 / Immune system disorder patient 17.关节疼痛 / Joints pain 您所购买的每一罐Omne Nutridrink我们都将为您捐献RM2给瑶池金母慈善基金会作为慈善基金。 Omne Nutridrinks will now donate RM2 on every of your single purchase to One Hope Charity & Welfare Berhad... 想获得更多的详情,可以加微信 Wechat : tomato889709 Whatsapp : 0163025025 RX seller ID:RX0036