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Product description: '- Aromatherapists often prefer eucalyptus radiata essential oil is due to its aroma being less ‘searching’ when it’s used to treat sinus and respiratory conditions, especially with young children or the elderly. Interestingly, it is often reported by therapists that they find eucalyptus radiata essential oil more effective in treatments than eucalyptus globulus. '- Raven is one of the blend that focus or support respiratory system of our body. It includes Eucalyptus radiata. Ingredient: Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), lemon (Citrus limon), wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Eucalyptus radiata. Benefit: 1. The Young Living Raven essential oil may helps in respiratory, pneumonia, flu, sinustis and bronchitis 2. It helps to solves cough/cold, asthma and viral infections. Our oils are directly sourced from Malaysia regional office therefore labels might be different from your country Penerangan Produk: '- Ahli aromaterapi lebih suka minyak pati eucalyptus radiata kerana aromanya kurang' mencari 'ketika digunakan untuk merawat sinus dan keadaan pernafasan, terutama pada anak-anak kecil atau orang tua. Menariknya, sering dilaporkan oleh ahli terapi bahawa mereka mendapati minyak pati eucalyptus radiata lebih berkesan dalam rawatan daripada eucalyptus globulus. '- Raven adalah salah satu campuran yang memberi tumpuan atau menyokong sistem pernafasan badan kita. Ia merangkumi Eucalyptus radiata. Bahan: Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), lemon (Citrus limon), greengreen (Gaultheria procumbens), peppermint (Mentha piperita) dan Eucalyptus radiata. Manfaat: 1. Minyak pati Young Living Raven boleh membantu pernafasan, radang paru-paru, selesema, sinustis dan bronkitis 2. Ia membantu mengatasi batuk / selesema, asma dan jangkitan virus. Minyak kami bersumber secara langsung dari pejabat wilayah Malaysia oleh itu label mungkin berbeza dari negara anda