德记顶级腊肉 Tuck Kee Premium Waxed Meat
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All Tuck Kee chinese sausages and preserved meat are 100% produced locally in Penang, Malaysia to ensure the best quality control from raw material to production process. Seasoned with Chinese rose and soy sauce, the meats are dried to produce top quality Tuck Kee Preserved Meat. Our specially selected high quality cuts of succulent meat are infused with premium Chinese rose and soy sauce. The Best Way To Enjoy When cooking rice in a pot or a rice cooker, place the waxed meat with sausages on top of the rice. The waxed meat and sausage will cook to juicy perfection while suffusing the rise with aromatic pork fat, creating the perfect mouth-watering blend of taste, oil, rice, and meat. 德记的特产自家腌制和炭熏的腊味 槟城德记腊味部分还是坚持手工制造, 也尽量保存传统的腊味制造手法。所以我们腊味还留原有的传统及独特的味道,是正宗的广式腊味。而我们德记一向来也只生产高品质的腊肠与腊肉献给顾客,新鲜的猪肉和高品质原料。 腊味要好吃,原料是灵魂。自家炮制腊味煲仔饭一定少不了德记热销的顶级腊肉,正宗的烟熏腊肉,随便一蒸煮,满屋子都是馋人的香味,油亮剔透,让人哈喇子忍不住流,简直爱到骨子里! All of our waxed meat products are made by our own. Once you try it, you will come back for it! Waxed meat is our signature traditional Chinese Preserve Meat. Purely handmade with premium fresh local pork belly which bring a best combination of lean and fats meat. The true taste of waxed meat that come with rich flavor of chinese rose wine. 真空包装 vacuum packed,300gm +/- It's rather important to note that not all cured meats contain nitrites and in fact, slow-cured and nitrite-free meats are becoming more and more popular. If the processed meat is made with many harmful chemicals and the meat is not fresh, of course its unhealthy! There is no form of any sodium nitrite added into the process of making it our Tuck Kee Preserved Meat, as well as artificial coloring too, NONE of it. We use only the traditional way, oldest I would say, which is meat smoking method. Our smoking method not just smoke this like, but added our own 'secret recipe' to bring up the unique smokiness flavour! The process of making our preserved meats is not possible to be done in one day but few days, have to keep checking the process every few hours. Look for nitrite-free version of preserved meats from Tuck Kee, and you may opt for chicken chinese sausages instead of pork is going to be a healthier choice I guess. You may find that the price range for chinese sausage can be so much difference, it clearly says that the quality can be much difference too. 如果您要瘦点的麻烦备注我们,会尽量挑选给你,因为三层肉一定会有肥瘦。 德记专诚提供最佳的本地腊味产品,德记向来出产高品质的腊肠与腊肉 。我们有一部分的产品还是用手工制造, 也尽量保持传统的腊肠制造方法。所以我们产品还保有真实,传统及独特的味道. 家有腊味,如有一宝!快速好吃又省事的销魂腊味煲仔饭! 20分钟就完成的一锅腊味饭,一打开盖,腊味飘香,热腾腾、香喷喷!如果没有小瓦煲、小砂锅,电饭锅也行哦! 2-3人份 材料: 主料:香米200g、腊肠1根、润肠1根,鹅肝肠1根、腊肉1块 配料: 姜1小块,香葱切成葱花 调料:生抽2汤勺(30ml)、老抽1/2茶匙(2.5ml)、盐1/2茶匙、糖1/4茶匙、香油1/2茶匙、凉开水50ml 准备: 腊肠、润肠、腊肉分别切薄片,姜去皮、切丝; 1. 香米淘洗干净,用清水浸泡半小时,放入饭煲,加水高于香米表面至食指第一关节的1/2处,按下精煮键; 2. 饭煮好后,排压后掀开锅盖,铺满切好的腊味和姜丝; 3. 迅速盖紧锅盖,利用热气继续焖10分钟; 4. 等待的过程中, 将所有调料混合,搅匀做为料汁待用; 5. 十分钟后,开锅,倒入酱汁,拌匀再撒上葱花即可 -做煲仔饭建议使用肥瘦适中的腊肠,有一定的肥肉在煮饭的时候可以释出油脂浸透到饭粒里,特别香 -腊味切薄片,使腊味的油脂充分渗透到米饭中,那股让人满足的独特香味儿。 -腊味煲仔饭,建议腊味种类多一些,口感会更有层次

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