FOCI Chih Pai Pa Wei Wan (200pills x 0.2g) 佛慈知帕八味丸
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品名 :知柏八味丸 剂 型 :浓缩丸。 成 份 :知母,黄柏,熟地黄,山茱萸(制),牡丹皮,山药,茯苓,泽泻。 处方来源 :〔清〕《医宗金鉴》。 功能主治 :滋阴降火。用于阴虚火旺,潮热盗汗,口干咽痛,耳鸣遗精,小便短赤。 用法用量 :口服。一次8丸,一日3次。 包装规格 :200丸/瓶。 批准文号 :中国国药准字Z62020887。 执行标准 :《中华人民共和国药典》(2010年版)一部。 注意 :一岁以内的婴儿,葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏症患者,孕妇及哺乳妇女禁用。虚寒病症患者不适用。不宜和感冒药同事服用。偶有恶心,呕吐,皮疹和药热。出现此类症状时请停药,如停药后症状持续,请咨询医生。 大马注册号码:MAL19990170T Product Name : FOCI -CHIH PAI PA WEI WAN Specification : 200 pills/bottle Ingredients : Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata, Corni Fructus, Moutan Cortex, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Poria, Alismatis Rhizoma. Indications : It is used for nourishing the body “Yin” deficiency with inner heat, tidal fever and night sweating, insomnia with profuse dreaming, throat dryness, tinnitus and spermatorrhea, and scant reddish urination. Dosage : Oral, 8 pills, 3 times daily. Attention : Not to be use for infant less than 1 year old, G6PD-deficient individuals, pregnant and breastfeeding women, deficiency-cold syndrome, and if you are taking cold medicine. Occasional nausea, vomiting, rashes and fever may occurs. Stop medication if these symptoms develop. Consult doctor if the symptoms persist. MOH Reg. No. : MAL19990170T

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