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~Poultry Hearts Composition: 32% poultry hearts, 29% of poultry (muscle meat, liver), 23% of pork (muscle meat, lung, kidney, rind), 14% of beef (lung, kidney, udder), 1% minerals, 1% inulin from chicory. ~Lamb & Rice Composition: 42% of lamb (lung, stopes, muscle meat, liver, heart), 20% of duck (muscle meat, liver), 18% of pork (muscle meat, lung, heart, kidney, rind), 14% of beef (lung, liver, heart, kidney), rice 4% (boiled), minerals 1%, inulin from chicory 1%. ~Turkey & Rice Composition: 41% of turkey (muscle meat, offal), 20% of duck (muscle meat, liver), 19% of pork (muscle meat, liver, lung, rind), 14% of beef (muscle meat, lung, liver, heart, kidney), 4% rice (boiled), minerals 1%, inulin from chicory 1%. ~Beef Composition: 72% of beef (muscle meat, liver, lung, heart, kidney, tripe), 14.5% of poultry (muscle meat, liver), 11.5% of pork (muscle meat, lung), minerals 1%, inulin from chicory 1%. ~Duck & Sweet Potato Composition: 41.5% of duck (muscle meat, heart), 36% of pork (liver, lung), 16.3% of beef (lung, udder), sweet potatoes 5%, minerals 1%, yeast beta glucan 0.2%. ~Coalfish & Brown Rice Composition: 31.5% of coalfish, 27.5% of pork (liver, lung), 23% of beef (lung, udder), 12.8% of poultry (muscle meat, offal), 4% brown rice (boiled), 1% minerals, 0.2% yeast beta glucan. ~Venison & Potato Composition: 44% venison, 22% of duck (muscle meat, liver), 22% of pork (liver, lung), potato 10%, salmonoil 1%, minerals 1%. ~ Turkey & Potato Composition: 42% of turkey (muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach), 21% of duck (muscle meat, liver), 21% of pork (lung, liver), potato 14%, salmonoil 1%, minerals 1%. ~ Head Meat Composition: 30% bovine head meat, 26% of beef (heart, lung, kidney), 22% of poultry (muscle meat, liver), 20% of pork (muscle meat, lung, kidney, rind), minerals 1%, inulin from chicory 1%. ~ Wild Composition: 44% from game (muscle meat, offal), 20% of duck (muscle meat, liver), 17% of beef (muscle meat, offal), of pork 17% (muscle meat, offal), minerals 1%, inulin from chicory 1%. ~ Veal & Vegetables Composition: 43.28% from veal (heart), 22.36% of beef (heart, meat, liver, lung), 22.36% of pork (heart, meat, liver, lung), 6% peas, 4% carrots, 1% minerals, 1% inulin (FOS). ~ Lamb & Apple Composition: 42.72% of lamb (liver, lung), 25.64% of beef (heart, meat, liver, lung), 25.64% of pork (heart, meat, liver, lung), 4% apple, 1% minerals, 1% inulin (FOS).