1 Variation Available
Balung Agarwood Tea Aquilaria Malaccensis Organik Teh Gaharu 有机沉香叶茶 15s
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Research shows that the leaves of Aquilaria Malaccensis contain compounds with anti-ageing effects due to its content of Vitamin E and Decanoic acid, making the plant a commodity in the cosmetic industry.

In Southeast Asia, Agarwood Tea is believed to help lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It is also effective against digestive problems like flatulence and constipation.

Agarwood Tea is made solely from the leaves of Aquilaria Malaccensis, giving it a slightly bitter, delicate flavour. In Chinese medicine, bitterness is often equated to heightened health benefits. Recent studies show that these leaves are rich with genkwanin glycosides – natural chemicals widely known as having cosmetic benefits. It is said that genkwanin glycosides are capable of removing mercury efficiently. Agarwood tea that contains genkwanin glycosides has many dietary benefits and is believed to help slow down the ageing process.

Here are the different benefits you can expect to get when you include Agarwood Tea in your diet:

1. It’s a natural detoxifier!

2. It’s a natural way to remove harmful toxins from your body (such as mercury).

3. Agarwood tea is a natural diuretic to get your digestive system on “track”.

4. It promotes healthy, clear skin.

5. It stabilizes blood sugar.

6. Agarwood tea helps blood flow.

7. Agarwood tea also promotes healthy body weight (it may also help promote healthy weight loss).



1. 沉香叶无论嫩、老,都可以加工成沉香茶,白木香树叶由嫩到老都可加工为沉香茶。沉香叶茶含有人体必需的生命元素量极其丰富,如钙、锌、铁、锰等和维生素,对体内多种不利因子的消除大有益处。

2. 长期饮用沉香叶茶能修身养性,防病抗衰老,增强体质,具有清神、益思、美容养颜、消胀气、排宿便、去油脂,提阳等有很好的功效。这是沉香叶最常见的功效与作用。

3. 沉香叶行气止痛,温中止呕,纳气平喘;常用于胸腹胀闷疼痛,胃寒呕吐呃逆,肾虚气逆喘急。一些学者通过实验发现,沉香叶提取物具有较好的抗氧化性,有一定的抗肿瘤细胞活性。

Ingredients: Dried & Cut Agarwood Tea Leaves

Directions: Use one sachet per medium sized cup> Add 180ml of boiling water> Let infuse for 5 minutes

Suggested Occasion: After meal, afternoon tea.

Disclaimer: The information here is designed for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care

#agarwood #agarwoodtea #Hoga #Balungtea #Gaharu #herbaltea #Aquilaria malaccensis