(+-50KG) Baja Zeolite A serbuk/powder untuk pertanian,aquakultur, pembelaan dan treatment air
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Bahan-bahan zeolite 1. SiO 2.AL2O3 3. Fe2O3 4.CaO 5.Na2O 6.K2O 7.TiO2 8.LoI Baja berasaskan zeolit ​​dikenal sebagai "baja pintar" kerana kemampuannya mengatur pembebasan nutrien ke tanah; nutrien disimpan di zon pertumbuhan dan boleh diakses oleh tumbuhan tetapi tidak larut dalam air. Ketersediaan nutrien meningkatkan kekuatan dan prestasi keseluruhan tanaman dan hasil. Zeolite meningkatkan struktur tanah dengan memasangkan kapasiti pertukaran kation dengan pertalian untuk ammonia dan kalium. Sifat-sifat ini membolehkan zeolit ​​menimbun tanah dan mencegah keracunan yang sering disebabkan oleh penumpukan ammonia. Zeolite based fertilizers are known as “intelligent fertilizers” due to their ability to regulate the release of nutrients to the soil; nutrients are held in the growth zone and are plant accessible but not water soluble. The availability of nutrients improves the overall strength and performance of plants and produce. Zeolite improves soil structure by pairing cation exchange capacity with an affinity for ammonia and potassium. These properties allow zeolite to buffer soil and prevent the toxicity that is often caused by a buildup of ammonia.