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稻草人™ 月子飯 PADIMAN™ Confinement Rice 成份:印度蒸谷米,玄米,有機三色黎麥,原住民高山胚芽紫米,原住民高山胚芽紅米 Ingredients : Parboiled Basmathi, Calrose Brown Rice, Organic Tri-Color Royal Quinoa, Purple Bario Rice, Red Bario, Rice. -- 适合年龄群:懷孕婦女/坐月婦人 Suitable for: Pregnant woman / in confinement period 產品特色:不含麩質,非基因改造,無添加防腐劑, 易消化配方 Product features: Glutin-Free , Non-GMO, No Preservative, Easily Digestible Formula. 包裝重量:1 kg ± Weight : 1 kg ± 烹飪水分建議:一杯米,一杯半水 Cooking suggestion: one cup of rice, with one and half cup of water 對於孕媽咪來說,血糖的控制可說是相當重要,因為母體與臍帶相通,孕媽咪吃進哪些食物,胎兒都會吸收到,若飲食不當,就會導致體內血糖過高或偏低。除此,懷孕期間由於荷爾蒙發生改變,隨著週數增加,胎盤分泌的人類胎盤生乳素(Human placental lactogen, HPL)也會增加,它具有控制胰島素的作用,如果胰島素分泌量不足,便可能導致妊娠性葡萄糖耐受不良,也就是所謂的妊娠糖尿病(GDM)。當發生妊娠糖尿病時,不僅會增加孕媽咪孕期的風險,像是罹患妊娠高血壓及妊娠毒血症的機率上升,更容易導致胎兒過大或難產的狀況。而且根據研究顯示,懷孕時曾患有妊娠糖尿病的女性,在產後5~10年內會有大約40~60%的機率發展成糖尿病,因此孕媽咪不可不慎。 For a pregnant woman , the control of blood sugar is important, because the mother is connected to the belly, what food the mother eats, the fetus is absorbed, and If the diet is not proper, it causes the blood sugar to be high or low. In addition to this, during pregnancy, the hormonal will change, with the increase in the number of weeks, the placenta secretion of human placenta prolactin (Human placental lactogen, HPL) will also increase, it has the role of controlling the islet hormone, if the amount of pancreatic secretion is insufficient, it may lead to pregnancy-induced glucose intolerance, That is called gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).When developing gestational diabetes, it does not only increase the risk of maternal pregnancy, such as high blood pressure in pregnancy and increase the rate of blood poisoning, it is more likely to cause fetal large or difficult condition. And according to research, women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy had a 40~60% rate of diabetes in the next 5-10 years. 月子飯的主要配方是來自印度的印度蒸谷米,此米的碳水化合物低, 屬於低升糖指數(Low Glycemic Index)。所謂的GI值,是指升糖指數(Glycemic Index),也就是血糖上升的幅度。食物的GI值皆為經由實驗室所檢測出的數值。食物的GI值,表示食物消化後愈不容易造成血糖上升,反之則是愈容易造成血糖上升。低GI值飲食一般來說適合普羅大眾,即使生完小孩後也可以繼續這樣吃。除此之外,月子飯也採用了三色黎麥為其中一個重要的原料。三色黎麥的豐富蛋白質可媲美肉類的蛋白質,正好為孕婦和胎兒提供足夠而優質營養。三色黎麥所含的鐵質和鈣質是小麥的4倍,除了可帮助防止孕期缺鈣性貧血,更可保胎兒智力,骨骼和心臟發育正常。三色黎麥的高纎和低糖特性,可減少孕婦患上便秘和糖尿病風險。 The main ingredient of our Confinement Rice is Parboiled Basmathi from India, which has a low carbohydrate and Low Glycemic Index. The so-called GI value refers to the Glycemic Index, which is the magnitude of the rise in blood sugar. The GI values of the food are all values detected by the laboratory. The GI value of food indicates that the less likely the food is to cause blood sugar to rise after digestion. A low GI diet is generally suitable for the general public, and can continue to eat even after giving birth. In addition, our confinement rice also uses Tri-Color Royal Quinoa as one of the important ingredients. The rich protein of Tri-Color Royal Quinoa is comparable to that of meat, providing adequate and high-quality nutrition for pregnant women and fetuses.

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