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三高飯 Colextro-les Rice 成份:印度蒸谷米,玄米,有機三色黎麥,苦蕎麥 Ingredients : Parboiled Basmathi, Calrose Brown Rice, Organic Tri-Color Royal Quinoa, Tartary Buckwheat 适合年龄群:高齡人士及消化不良人士且三高人士 Suitable for : senior citizens and people with indigestion or three hypers. 產品特色:不含麩質,非基因改造,無添加防腐劑, 易消化配方 Product Features : Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, No Preservative, Easily Digestible Formula 包裝重量:1 kg± Weight : 1kg ± 烹飪水分建議:一杯米,一杯半水 Cooking suggestion: one cup of rice, with one and half cup of water 三高(高血脂,高血壓,高血糖)等慢性疾病是怎樣得來?某程度上是病從口入,日積月累地進食不健康食物而吃出病來的。高脂肪,高鹽分及高糖分食物可嚴重影響血管健康及多個器官,引致過胖,並可誘發新成代謝綜合症,因而大大增加患以上慢性疾病地風險。要避免病從口入,最重要還是依照三低一高(低脂,低鹽,低糖及高纎的飲食原則)。 How do chronic diseases such as three high symptoms (high blood lipid, high blood pressure, high blood glucose) come from? To a certain extent, it is a disease that comes from the mouth; eats unhealthy foods over time. High-fat, high-salt and high-sugar foods can seriously affect vascular health and multiple organs, leading to obesity, and can cause metabolic syndrome, thus greatly increasing the risk of chronic diseases. To avoid getting sick, the most important thing is to follow the three low and one high (low fat, low salt, low sugar and high sorghum diet principles) 三高飯的主要配方是來自印度的印度蒸谷米,此米的碳水化合物低屬於低升糖指數(Low Glycemic Index)。所謂的GI值,是指升糖指數(Glycemic Index),也就是血糖上升的幅度。食物的GI值皆為經由實驗室所檢測出的數值。食物的GI值愈低,表示食物消化後愈不容易造成血糖上升,反之則是愈容易造成血糖上升。低GI值飲食一般來說適合普羅大眾 。除此之外,三高飯也採用了三色黎麥為其中一個重要的原料。三色黎麥的豐富蛋白質可媲美肉類的蛋白質,正好提供足夠而優質營養。三色黎麥所含的鐵質和鈣質是小麥的4倍,可帮助防止缺鈣性貧血 。三色黎麥的高纎和低糖特性絕對適合三高病患者食用。除了三色黎麥,苦蕎麥其所含蘆丁可軟化血管,具有降血脂、降血糖、降血壓,減肥敗毒、清理人體垃圾、激活胰島素分泌等功效。富含蛋白質礦物元素和人體必須的9種脂肪酸、亞油酸等生物活性物質,可健脾開胃、通便潤腸、美容養顏、醒腦提神、防失眠、抗衰老、抗氧化、平衡人體機能,具有神奇的養肝、護肝和解酒功能,是便秘患者和現代「富貴病」的剋星。 The main ingredient of PADIMAN Colestro-less Rice is Parboiled Basmathi from India, which has a low carbohydrate and Low Glycemic Index. The so-called GI value refers to the Glycemic Index, which is the magnitude of the rise in blood sugar. The GI values of the food are all values detected by the laboratory. The GI value of food indicates that the less likely the food is to cause blood sugar to rise after digestion. A low GI diet is generally suitable for the general public. In addition, our Colestro-less Rice also uses Tri-Color Royal Quinoa as one of the important ingredients. The rich protein of Tri-Color Royal Quinoa is comparable to that of meat, providing adequate and high-quality nutrition. Tri-Color Royal Quinoa contains four times as much iron and calcium as wheat. It can prevent calcium deficiency anemia. The sorghum and low sugar of Tri-Color Royal Quinoa are absolutely suitable for patients with 3 high symptoms. Its Tartary Buckwheat contains rutin which can help softens blood vessels, lowering blood fat, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, reducing weight, detoxification, and activating insulin secretion. Tartary Buckwheat rich in protein minerals and 9 kinds of fatty acids, linoleic acid and others. It is good for spleen, cure constipation with laxatives, beauty, refreshin

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